About The Course

This learning path helps develop a solid foundation in Sustainability reporting by taking through all relevant sustainability reporting frameworks and standards plus a self-paced masterclass on building a sustainability strategy.

This learning path comprises of 11 courses that covers:

1. Introduction to Sustainability Reporting

2. Sustainability Reporting regarding GRI Standards

3. SDGs Reporting

4. Integrated Reporting

5. TCFD Reporting 

6. CDP Questionnaire 

7. AccountAbility Principles

8. Circular Economy

9. ESG Communication Practitioner

10. CSRD Practitioner

11. ESG Strategy Masterclass

For Whom:

Professionals who are in their company's report writing team.

Sustainability consultants who want to write a GRI report for their clients.



Delivered via: Self Paced eLearning

Duration: Approx 16-19 Hours

What will you get:

After successfully completing the course you will receive your digital credentials, in a form of a Badge and a Certificate through Credly. These can be integrated and shared through LinkedIn and other social media platforms.

ESG & Investing
Learning Path
GRI Reporting Integrated Reporting CSDR
  • Earth Academy


Certificate Professional Certification
Price Paid Course
Partner Earth Academy

Upcoming Masterclasses